1 November 2013 - OBESITY


G'day folks,

Here are some interesting, but disturbing facts about obesity in Australia. However, I'm sure the same facts and figures relate closely to other Western nations. 

Obesity and Overweight

The number of Australians who are obese has reached "staggering" numbers according to a key government report. The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Reform Council has released its fourth report on the National Healthcare Agreement.

It shows that in 2011-12, 63 per cent of Australians were either overweight or obese - that has increased 2 per cent in the past four years - with 35 per cent of people overweight and 28 per cent obese. The report says seven in every 10 men and more than half of all women are above their healthy body weight.

It has warned governments that more needs to be done to tackle obesity and recommends that federal, state and territory leaders note "the lack of progress" toward reaching a 5 per cent boost to the number of Australians at a healthy body weight by 2018.

Health problems related to excess weight impose substantial economic burdens on individuals, families and communities. Data from the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) study indicate that the total direct cost for overweight and obesity in 2005 was $21 billion ($6.5 billion for overweight and $14.5 billion for obesity). The same study estimated indirect costs of $35.6 billion per year, resulting in an overall total annual cost of $56.6 billion (Colagiuri et al. 2010).

 Childhood Obesity

Between 1985 and 1995 the rate of childhood overweight doubled and obesity tripled in Australia. Unfortunately, overweight and obesity in Australia remains on the rise. Results from the 2007-2008 Australian National Children’s Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey indicated that one in four children aged 5-17 years are now overweight or obese1.

Increasing rates of overweight and obesity among children and adults is a worldwide health issue and the World Health Organisation has established an International Obesity Taskforce to implement strategies to help combat the problem.

Obesity can cause physical, social and emotional health problems in childhood and adolescence. Weight related health problems in children include:
  • stress on the bones and joints, particularly in the hips, legs and ankles
  • fatty liver
  • snoring and sleep apnoea (stopping breathing while asleep)
  • high blood pressure
  • high blood fats
  • type 2 diabetes
  • stigmatisation, low self-esteem
  • behaviour problems.
Obese children in Australia have a 25 to 50% chance of becoming obese adults2. This chance increases with an increasing degree of overweight and the later into adolescence the excess body weight is carried. It is also increased if one or both parents are overweight or obese.

Overweight and obesity are the result of an imbalance between the energy consumed and the energy expended continually over time.

Surveys indicate that compared with the Australian Dietary Guideline recommendations Australian children are consuming more than the recommended amounts of sugar and saturated fat1.

There is less survey data about changes in the energy expended, but it is strongly suggested that the energy we burn up has significantly decreased. Australian children are exceeding screen time guidelines (time spent watching television or playing video games) with two thirds of children exceeding the maximum limit of two hours per day3. The increased range of sedentary activities such as television, videos and computer games is often suggested to be a major contributor to the problem. The increased use of cars has also reduced energy use amongst both children and adults.

Some people’s bodies use less energy so they are more prone to becoming overweight or obese.

The body’s rate of energy usage is partly determined by family genetics. Also being undernourished during early infancy, or before birth can affect the way the body uses energy and increases the risk of becoming overweight or obese. However, it is known that an individual’s food and activity habits have the biggest impact on body weight. Small changes in food and physical activity habits can lead to major changes in body weight.

Where to from here?

To turn around the overwhelming trend of increasing childhood overweight and obesity will require actions at all levels of society.

Some areas suggested for change are:

  • food manufacturing and processing
  • food marketing and advertising
  • social and town planning
  • public transport and method of travel to school
  • food and physical education in schools
  • family food and physical activity environment.

What should your family do?

Individuals and families also need to take responsibilities to see this trend halted and then reversed. Start by becoming informed about healthy eating and reasonable levels of physical activity and then encourage friends and family members to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

 The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating can help you plan the quantities of foods needed to balance your energy intake. You can assess your current diet using the Healthy Eating Assessment tool.

Clancy's comment: Everything in moderation, eh?

I'm ...

Think about this!

31 October 2013 - MORE WISE WORDS


G'day guys,

Here are some more wise words to pontificate upon ...

G'day. Welcome to Clancy's Blog. 
Reckon I'm cute?

Mm ... those humans are weird.

Mates are mates ...

Have a great day

I'm ...

Go, Jimmy! 
Pax vobiscum.

30 October 2013 - WHAT HAPPENED ON THIS DAY?


G'day folks,

Want to know what happened on this day in history? Check these ...

  • 0701 - John VI of Greece begins his reign as Catholic Pope
  • 0942 - Alberic nominates Pope Marinus II (Martinus III)
  • 1077 - German king Henry IV gives away bisdom Utrecht county Staveren
  • 1270 - 8th & last crusade is launched
  • 1389 - French king Charles VI visits pope Clemens VII
  • 1468 - Charles the Stout occupies & plunders Luik
  • 1485 - King Henry VII Tudor crowned "Yeomen of the Guard"
  • 1489 - Peace of Tours, between emperor Maximilian I & Flemings
  • 1493 - Christopher Columbus discovers island of Dominica
  • 1503 - Queen Isabella of Spain bans violence against indians
  • 1534 - English Parliament passes Act of Supremacy, making King Henry VIII head of the English church - a role formerly held by the Pope
  • 1611 - Gustaaf II Adolf (17) becomes king of Sweden
  • 1629 - King Charles I gives Bahamas to Sir Robert Heath
  • 1697 - Germany signs French/English/Spanish/Neth/Brandenburgs peace treaty ending 9 year War
  • 1739 - England declares war on Spain: War of Jenkin's Ear [NS=Oct 19]
  • 1768 - 1st Methodist church in US initiated (Wesley Chapel, NYC)
  • 1772 - Capt Cook arrives with ship Resolution in Capetown
  • 1775 - 1st navy in US forms
  • 1851 - Alfred de Mussets "Bettine," premieres in Paris
  • 1862 - Dr Richard Gatling patents machine gun
  • 1864 - Helena, Montana's capital, founded
  • 1866 - Jesse James gang robs bank in Lexington Missouri ($2000)
  • 1868 - John Menard of Louisiana is 1st black elected to Congress
  • 1871 - Phila Athletics beat Chicago for 1st Natl Assn baseball pennant
  • 1873 - P T Barnum's circus, "Greatest Show on Earth," debuts (NYC)
  • 1883 - Austria-Hungary/Germany/Romania signs military treaty
  • 1886 - Great-Britain/Germany divide boundaries in East-Africa
  • 1888 - In London, Jack the Ripper murders his last victim
  • 1888 - John J Loud patents ballpoint pen
  • 1888 - Ndebele-king Lobengula grants Cecil Rhodes, Mashonaland œ100 per month
  • 1893 - Senate approves repealing Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890
  • 1894 - Daniel Cooper patents time clock
  • 1896 - Martha Hughes Cannon of Utah becomes 1st female senator
  • 1899 - Battle at Ladysmith Natal: Boers beat lt-general Whites army
  • 1899 - British Morning Post reporter Winston Churchill reaches Capetown
  • 1900 - 1st-ever US auto show opens in Madison Square Garden in NYC
  • 1901 - Battle at Bakenlaagte: lt-col Bensons unit vs Boers
  • 1905 - "October Manifesto" Russian Tsar Nicholas II grants civil liberties
  • 1905 - GB Shaw's "Mrs Warren's Profession," premieres in NYC
  • 1905 - Tsar of Russia accepts 1st Duma (Parliament)
  • 1911 - Clark Griffith is named manager of Wash Senators
  • 1914 - Allied offensive at Ypres (Belgium) begins
  • 1917 - British govt gives final approval to Balfour Declaration
  • 1918 - Slovakia asks for creation of Czechoslovakian state
  • 1919 - Baseball league presidents call for abolishment of spitball
  • 1922 - Anxious to compete with the Yankees, the NY Giants pay $65,000 & 3 players for Jack Bentley (hits .349 & is 13-1 as pitcher in 1922)
  • 1922 - Mussolini forms govt in Italy
  • 1925 - KUT-AM in Austin TX begins radio transmissions
  • 1930 - Turkey & Greece sign a treaty of friendship
  • 1931 - W2XB TV channel 1 in NYC, NY (NBC) begins broadcasting
  • 1938 - Orson Welles panics a nation with broadcast of "War of the Worlds"
  • 1939 - USSR & Germany agree on partitioning Poland, Hitler deports Jews
  • 1939 - German U boat fails on attack of English battleship Nelson with Winston Churchill, Dudley Pound & Charles Forbes aboard
  • 1940 - Cole Porters musical "Panama hattie," premieres in NYC
  • 1941 - USS Reuben James torpedoed by Germans, even though US is not in war
  • 1942 - 8th day of battle at El Alamein: new Australian assault
  • 1942 - US aircraft carrier Enterprise reaches Noum‚a
  • 1943 - Italian director Federico Fellini marries actress Giulietta Masina
  • 1943 - Molotov-Eden-Cordell Hull accord over operations at UN
  • 1943 - Soviet forces under Tolbuchin stick Sivash-bay about
  • 1944 - Aaron Copland's "Appalachian Spring," premieres in Wash DC
  • 1944 - Anne Frank (of Diary fame) is deported from Auschwitz to Belsen
  • 1944 - Last transport for Auschwitz arrives in Birkenau
  • 1944 - Scottish Highlanders liberate Waalwijk
  • 1944 - Sweden announces intention to stay neutral & refuse sanctuary in WW II
  • 1944 - Tholen Island freed
  • 1945 - Branch Rickey signs Jackie Robinson to a Montreal Royals
  • 1945 - US government announces end of shoe rationing
  • 1947 - 23 countries sign GATT agreement in Geneva
  • 1947 - Darius Milhauds 3rd Symphony "Hymnus Ambrosianus," premieres in Paris
  • 1948 - 20 die & 6,000 made ill by smog in Donora Pennsylvania
  • 1948 - Operation Hiram: Israelis take control of Galilee
  • 1949 - "Lost in the Stars" opens at Music Box Theater NYC for 281 perfs
  • 1949 - Kurt Weill & Maxwell Anderson's musical premieres in NYC
  • 1950 - David Diamond's 3rd Symphony, premieres
  • 1951 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
  • 1952 - Clarence Birdseye sells 1st frozen peas
  • 1953 - Dr Albert Schweitzer & Gen George C Marshall win Nobel Peace Prize
  • 1954 - Defense Department announces elimination of all segregated regiments
  • 1954 - Linus Pauling won the Nobel prize in chemistry
  • 1954 - US Armed Forces end segregation of races
  • 1955 - Imtiaz Ahmed scores 209 v NZ, the record for a no 8 batsman
  • 1956 - Israel captures Egyptian militay post at El-Thamad
  • 1956 - Dodgers sell Ebbets Field to a real estate group They agree to stay until 1959, with an option to stay until 1961
  • 1957 - Dmitri Sjostakovitch's 11th Symphony premieres in Moscow
  • 1957 - Soviet Union launches, Sputnik II, carrying a dog named Laika
  • 1957 - WLWI (now WTHR) TV channel 13 in Indianapolis, IN (ABC) 1st broadcast
  • 1957 - WYTV TV channel 33 in Youngstown, OH (ABC) begins broadcasting
  • 1960 - Guatemala's "La Hora" reports plan for invasion on Cuba
  • 1961 - Soviet Union tests a 58 megaton hydrogen bomb
  • 1961 - UN unanimously elects U Thant acting secretary general of the UN
  • 1961 - Soviet Party Congress unanimously approves a resolution removing Stalin's body from Lenin's tomb in Red Square
  • 1962 - US performs atmospheric nuclear test at Johnston Island
  • 1963 - Morocco & Algeria signs cease fire
  • 1963 - Sandy Koufax wins NL MVP award
  • 1964 - Tran Van Huong appointed premier of South Vietnam
  • 1965 - Clifford Ann Creed wins LPGA Las Cruces Golf Open
  • 1965 - Fireworks explosions kill 50 in Cartagena, Colombia
  • 1966 - Kathy Whitworth wins LPGA Las Cruces Ladies Golf Open
  • 1967 - Arthur Allyn says White Sox will play 9 games in Milwaukee in 1968
  • 1967 - Ferdinand Bracke bicycles world record time (48,093 km)
  • 1967 - USSR Kosmos 186 & 188 make 1st automatic docking & Venmera 13 launch
  • 1968 - Jaqueline Kennedy marries Aristotle Onassis on the island of Scorpios
  • 1968 - Nobel prize for chemistry awarded to Lars Onsager (thermodynamics)
  • 1968 - Nobel prize for physics awarded to Luis Alvarez (bubble chamber)
  • 1968 - Queen Juliana opens IJ tunnel in Amsterdam
  • 1969 - WXPO (now WNDS) TV channel 50 in Manchester, NH (IND) 1st broadcast
  • 1970 - KVEW TV channel 42 in Kennewick, WA (ABC) begins broadcasting
  • 1972 - 45 die in a train crash in Chicago Ill
  • 1972 - Worst US rail accident in 14 years; 45 die in Chicago
  • 1973 - Tom Seaver becomes 1st non-20-game winner to win Cy Young award
  • 1974 - Calif Angel Nolan Ryan throws fastest recorded pitch (100.9 MPH)
  • 1974 - Catfish Hunter is named AL Cy Young Award
  • 1974 - Muhammad Ali KOs George Foreman in 8th round in Kinshasa Zaire
  • 1975 - Giants pitcher John "the Count of" Montefusco wins NL Rookie of Year
  • 1975 - John Bucyk, Boston, became 7th NHLer to score 500 goals
  • 1975 - Juan Carlos assumes power in Spain
  • 1975 - NY Daily News runs headline "Ford to City: Drop Dead"
  • 1976 - "Going Up" closes at John Golden Theater NYC after 49 performances
  • 1976 - Jane Pauley becomes news co-anchor of Today Show
  • 1976 - Rev Joseph Evans elected president of United Church of Christ
  • 1977 - Panama 747SP lands after polar flight around Earth in record 54:07
  • 1978 - Laura Nickel & Curt Noll find 25th Mersenne prime, 2 ^ 21701-1
  • 1978 - Uganda troops attack Tanzania
  • 1979 - NASA launches space vehicle S-203
  • 1979 - Richard Arrington elected mayor of Birmingham
  • 1980 - Honduras & El Salvador settle their boundary dispute
  • 1980 - NASA launches Flt Satcom-4
  • 1982 - Portugal revises constitution
  • 1984 - Tigers reliever Willie Hernandez wins AL Cy Young Award
  • 1985 - 22nd Space Shuttle Mission (61-A)-Challenger 9-launched
  • 1986 - Discovery moves to OPF where more than 200 modification are made
  • 1988 - 2 gambling clubs & 1 player share 61.38 M California lotto jackpot
  • 1988 - Beth Daniel wins Nichirei Ladies Cup US-Japan Team Golf Championship
  • 1988 - Jim Elliott (US) completes 24-hr paced outdoor race for 548.9 mi
  • 1988 - NY Jets finally beat Pittsburgh Steelers for 1st time
  • 1989 - August A Busch III becomes CEO of St Louis Cards
  • 1989 - Smith Dairy at Orrville Ohio, makes largest milk shake (1,575.2 gal)
  • 1990 - England-France complete "Chunnel"
  • 1991 - Colombian govt negotiate with M-19-guerrilla
  • 1991 - Mark Sauer becomes CEO of Pitts Pirates
  • 1991 - Mid East peace conference begins in Madrid Spain
  • 1991 - Singer Clint Black (34) weds actress Lisa Hartman (29)
  • 1992 - MTA begins installing automated fare collection turnstiles
  • 1993 - Toronto Maple Leafs lose 1st game of season after going 10-0-0
  • 1994 - Leftist coalition wins Marcedonia parliamentary election
  • 1994 - Thomas Nicely reports bug in Intel's Pentium-processor on Internet
  • 1994 - US wins Nichirei LPGA Golf International
  • 1995 - Quebec Referendum votes to remain part of Canada
  • 1997 - "Cherry Orchard," opens at Martin Beck Theater NYC
  • 1997 - Shirley Allen, 51, held Illinois police off for 39 days captured 


  • 1391 - Eduard, [Dom Duarte], King of Portugal (1433-38)/author
  • 1576 - Enrico C Davila, Padua Italy, writer (Storia delguerre civili Francia)
  • 1612 - Paul Wirtz, [Wrtz], German/Neth army commander
  • 1620 - Michael de Ronghe, composer
  • 1632 - Richard Brinsley Sheridan, playwright (School for Scandal) (or 1751)
  • 1683 - George II [August], King of Great-Britain (1727-60)
  • 1712 - Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich, German painter
  • 1735 - Edward Miller, composer
  • 1735 - John Adams, Braintree (Quincy) Mass, 2nd president USA (1797-1801)
  • 1741 - Angelica Kauffmann, Swiss painter
  • 1787 - Karl Guhr, composer
  • 1790 - Karol Joseph Lipinski, composer
  • 1790 - Rinse Posthumus, Frisian writer
  • 1807 - James Samuel Wadsworth, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
  • 1817 - Hermann Kopp, German chemist (Jahresbericht of Chemistry)
  • 1821 - Cenobio Paniagua y Vasques, composer
  • 1821 - Fjodor Mikhailovich Dostoevski, Russian novelist (Idiot) [NS=11/11]
  • 1829 - Roscoe Conkling, MC (Union), died in 1888
  • 1830 - Fran‡ois Cr‚pin, Belgian botany
  • 1830 - John Stevens Bowen, Major General (Confederate Army) died in 1863
  • 1839 - Alfred Sisley, French impressionist painter
  • 1840 - Carlotta Patti, Italian soprano
  • 1840 - William G Sumner, US sociologist/political analyst
  • 1843 - A G Henri Regnault, French water colors painter
  • 1845 - Gustav Weber, composer
  • 1848 - Zinovi P Rozhestvensky, Russian vice-admiral
  • 1849 - Johan Willem, son of Dutch princess Marianne & coachman
  • 1857 - John H Aberson, 1st chancellor (Dutch Agricultural University)
  • 1864 - Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge, composer
  • 1869 - Lawrence Grant, Bournemouth England, actor (Bulldog Drummond)
  • 1871 - Paul Val‚ry, France, poet/essayist/critic (La Jeune)
  • 1873 - Francisco Madero, Mexico, revolutionary, president (1911-13)
  • 1879 - Eily Malyon, London, actress (Jane Eyre, I Married a Witch, Devotion)
  • 1880 - Abram F Joffe, Russian physicist (crystal)
  • 1881 - Lena Christ, writer
  • 1882 - William "Bull" F Halsey, US vice-admiral (WW II Pacific)
  • 1884 - Rudolf Forster, Grobming Austria, actor (Threepenny Opera)
  • 1885 - Ezra Loomis Pound, Hailey Idaho, poet (Cantos)
  • 1887 - Eduardo Ciannelli, Italy, actor (Waldo-Johnny Staccato)
  • 1887 - Georg Heym, writer
  • 1893 - Charles Atlas, [Angelo Siciliano], US, bodybuilder
  • 1893 - Jan M Romein, Dutch historian (Low Countries at Sea)
  • 1893 - Willi Apel, German/US musicologist (Harvard dictionary of music)
  • 1894 - Peter Warlock, composer
  • 1896 - Anatoly Grigor'yevich Novikov, composer
  • 1896 - Ruth Gordon, Mass, actress (Rosemary's Baby, Harold & Maude)
  • 1899 - Ernst H Ridder van Rappard, Dutch SS officer/founder (NSNAP)
  • 1900 - Augustin Lara, composer
  • 1902 - Armin Kaufmann, composer
  • 1903 - Konrad Friedrich Noetel, composer
  • 1904 - Alfred Gradstein, composer
  • 1904 - Paul D Stoop, US vice-admiral (WW II-Coral Sea)
  • 1905 - Christian Darnton, composer
  • 1907 - Albert Rice Leventhal, publisher (Little Golden Books)
  • 1907 - Gy”rgy R nki, Budapest Hungary, composer (H¢emberek)
  • 1907 - Renzo Cesana, Rome Italy, TV host (First Date, Continental)
  • 1908 - Franco Margola, composer
  • 1908 - Stuart Hamblen, Texas, singer/composer (This Old House)
  • 1910 - Miguel Hernadez Gilabert, Spain, poet (Viento del Pueblo)
  • 1912 - Preston Lockwood, actor (House of Windsor, Black Candle)
  • 1913 - Joris No‰, Flemish literary
  • 1914 - Marion Ladewig, Mich, bowler (9 time woman bowler of year 1950-63)
  • 1914 - Marius Hendrikus Flothuis, Dutch composer/author (Mozart biography)
  • 1914 - Patsy Montana Ruby Blevins, singer
  • 1915 - Pierre Wissmer, Swiss composer (Capitaine Bruno)
  • 1917 - Ruth Hussey, Providence RI, actress (Another Thin Man, Phila Story)
  • 1918 - Robert Feller, MLB pitcher (Red Sox, led AL in strikeouts 7 times)
  • 1918 - Ted Williams, hitter (Red Sox, AL MVP '46, '49; Trip Crown '42, '47)
  • 1919 - Jane Randolph, singer, backup for Tony Orlando (Dawn)
  • 1921 - Charles Bronson, actor (Magnificent Seven, Dirty Dozen, Deathwish)
  • 1924 - Hannelore Weygrand, German FR, equestrian dressage (Oly-silver-1956)
  • 1924 - Serge Golovine, French ballet choreographer (Death of Narcissus)
  • 1925 - Gus Savage, (Rep-D-IL, 1981- )
  • 1925 - Teo Macero, composer
  • 1927 - Joseph Wilbur Adcock, manager/player (Braves)
  • 1928 - Ernest Flatt, choreographer (Carol Burnett Show)
  • 1928 - Michael Andrews, painter
  • 1928 - William Campbell, Newark NJ, actor (Jerry-Cannonball, Luke-Dynasty)
  • 1929 - Joan Ganz Cooney, founder (Children's Television Workshop)
  • 1930 - Clifford Brown, [Brownie], US jazz trumpeter/composer
  • 1930 - Marilyn Alex, Hollywood Calif, actress (Molly-Young & Restless)
  • 1931 - David Wilson, director of British Museum (1977-92)
  • 1931 - Dick Gautier, LA Calif, actor (Hymie-Get Smart, Mr Terrific)
  • 1931 - John Macchia, CA, actor (Beach Blanket Bingo, Beach Party)
  • 1932 - Louis Malle, France, director (Atlantic City, Black Moon, Viva Maria)
  • 1933 - Ken Berry, actor (Sam-Mayberry RFD, Vinton-Mama's Family)
  • 1933 - Michael S Dukakis, (Gov-D-Mass)/presidential candidate (D-1988)
  • 1934 - Hamilton Camp, London, actor (Andrew-He & She, Meatballs 2)
  • 1935 - Michael Winner, producer/director (Big Sleep, Death Wish)
  • 1936 - Jim Perry, pitcher (Cy Young Award 1970)
  • 1936 - Roy Emerson, tennis player (won 12 Majors in singles from 1961-67)
  • 1937 - Claude Lelouch, movie director (A Man & A Woman, Cat & Mouse, Bolero)
  • 1937 - Pat Williams, (Rep-D-Montana, 1979- )
  • 1939 - Eddie Holland, US singer/songwriter (Jamie, Leaving Here)
  • 1939 - Grace Slick, Chicago, rock vocalist (Jefferson Airplane-White Rabbit)
  • 1939 - Norman West, US singer (Soul Children, Hearsay, Give 'em Love)
  • 1940 - Ed Lauter, Long Beach NY, actor (Sheriff Cain-BJ & the Bear)
  • 1940 - Miguel Calder¢n-G¢mez, Havana, basketball player (Olympic-bronze-1972)
  • 1941 - Otis Williams, rocker (Temptations)
  • 1942 - Sven-David Sandstrom, composer
  • 1943 - Joanna Shimkus, Halifax NS, actress (Marriage of a Young Stockbroker)
  • 1945 - Glenn Poshard, (Rep-D-Illinois)
  • 1945 - Henry Winkler, NYC, actor (Fonz-Happy Days, Night Shift)
  • 1946 - Andrea Mitchell, NYC, newscaster (NBC-TV, Summer Sunday USA)
  • 1946 - Chris Slade, rocker (AC/DC)
  • 1946 - Ian McGeechan, Scottish rugby player
  • 1946 - Lynne Marta, Phila Pa, actress (Love American Style)
  • 1946 - Robert L "Hoot" Gibson, Cooperstown NY, USN/ast (STS 41B,61C,27,47,71)
  • 1947 - Chris Komar, dancer
  • 1947 - Timothy B Schmidt, Oakland CA, rocker (Eagles)
  • 1949 - David Green, Melbourne Australia, rock bassist (Air Supply)
  • 1949 - Larry Holmes, boxer/heavyweight champ (1978-85)
  • 1949 - Otis Williams, [Otis Miles], TX, rock vocalist (Temptations)
  • 1950 - John T Doolittle, (Rep-R-California)
  • 1950 - Louise Duart, Quincy MA, comedienne (Paramount Comedy Theater # 5)
  • 1950 - Phil Chenier, NBA guard (Wash Bullets)
  • 1951 - Frank Pallone Jr, (Rep-D-New Jersey)
  • 1951 - Harry Hamlin, Pasadena Calif, actor (Michael Kuzak-LA Law)
  • 1953 - Alexander Fedorovich Poleshchuk, Moscow, cosmonaut (Soyuz TM-16)
  • 1953 - Charles Martin Smith, Van Nuys CA, actor (American Graffiti)
  • 1953 - Kathleen Cody, Bronx NY, actress (Charley & the Angel)
  • 1953 - Peter Hoekstra, (Rep-R-Michigan)
  • 1954 - JoAnne Russell, Miami Fla, tennis player (Wibeldon Double 1977)
  • 1954 - T Graham Brown, Arabi Ga, country singer (Come as you Were)
  • 1955 - Shanna Reed, KC Kansas, actress (Major Dad, Mirrors)
  • 1956 - Juliet Stevenson, Essex England, actress (Secret Rapture, Life Story)
  • 1956 - Leslie Webb, equestrian dressage (Olympics-96)
  • 1956 - Tim Roemer, (Rep-D-Indiana)
  • 1957 - Aleksandr Ivanovich Lazutkin, Russian cosmonaut (Soyuz TM-25)
  • 1958 - Kevin Pollak, SF, comedian (Usual Suspects, Grumpy Old Men)
  • 1960 - David Valle, Bayside NY, catcher (Texas Rangers)
  • 1960 - Diego A Maradona, Argentina/Italy soccer player (World Cup)
  • 1960 - Kim Thompson, Bath England, actress (Stealing Heaven)
  • 1960 - Monica Bellucci, Citta di Castello Italy, actress (Dracula)
  • 1961 - Hans Segers, soccer goaltender (PSV, Nottingham Forest, Wimbledon)
  • 1962 - Courtney Walsh, cricketer (WI pace bowler, hat-trick v Aust 1988)
  • 1962 - Danny Tartabull, Miami FL, outfielder (NY Yankees, Chic White Sox)
  • 1962 - Mark Portugal, LA Calif, pitcher (Cin Reds)
  • 1963 - Jerry de Borg, English pop guitarist (Jesus Jones-Real, Real, Real)
  • 1963 - Kristina Malandro Wagner, actress (Felicia Jones-General Hospital)
  • 1963 - Mike Veletta, cricketer (West Aussie opening bat, 8 Tests for Aust)
  • 1963 - Todd Sand, Burbank Calif, pairs skaters (Olympics-1994)
  • 1964 - Sandra H Magnus, Belleville Il, PhD/astronaut
  • 1965 - Charnele Brown, East Hampton NY, actress (Kim-A Different World)
  • 1965 - Kevin Edwards, NBA guard (NJ Nets)
  • 1967 - Brenda Catherine Lawson, Wanganui NZ, double scull rower (Olympics-96)
  • 1967 - Pat Elynuik, Foam Lake, NHL right wing (Ottawa Senators)
  • 1967 - Ty Detmer, quarterback (Philadelphia Eagles)
  • 1969 - Brittany Gae Thompson, Portland Oregon, Miss Oregon-America (1991)
  • 1969 - Mayumi Hirase, Kumamoto Japan, LPGA golfer (Japan Jr-1985, 86, 87)
  • 1970 - Dino Philyaw, NFL running back (NE Patriots)
  • 1970 - James Pedro, Danvers Mass, lightweight judoka (Olympics-bronze-92, 96)
  • 1970 - Kevin Johnson, NFL defensive tackle (Phila Eagles, Oakland Raiders)
  • 1970 - Nia Long, Bkln NY, actress (Guiding Light, Made in America, Soul Food)
  • 1970 - Patrice Tardif, Thetford Mines, NHL center (LA Kings)
  • 1970 - Stefan Gamlin, WLAF offensive linebacker (Frankfurt Galaxy)
  • 1970 - Suvat Karadag, soccer player (FC Utrecht)
  • 1970 - Wim Bubberman, soccer player (Sparta)
  • 1971 - Edward "Ted" Murphy, Boston Mass, rower (Olympics-5th-1996)
  • 1971 - Henry Ford, NFL defensive end (Houston/Tennessee Oilers)
  • 1972 - Georgina Douglas, Australian rower (Olympics-96)
  • 1972 - Patrice Denis, CFL linebacker (Edmonton Eskimos)
  • 1972 - Trevor Wilmot, NFL linebacker (Indianapolis Colts, Amsterdam Admirals)
  • 1973 - Ellis Johnson, NFL defensive back (Indianapolis Colts)
  • 1973 - Melissa Deanne Holiday, Greenwood SC, playmate (Jan, 1995)
  • 1975 - Joanne Malar, Hamilton Ontario, swimmer (Olympics-11-92, 96)
  • 1975 - Stephanie Camp, Rapid City SD, Miss America-SD (1997)
  • 1976 - Maurice Taylor, NBA forward (LA Clippers)

Clancy's comment: And, of course, Scott Skipper from California, USA - esteemed author of 'In The Blood', 'The Hundred Years Farce' and 'Family Traits'. Happy birthday, Scott.

Did you find any relatives in this list? Check again ...

I'm ...

Think about this!