Herbert Cole Coombs (Nugget)
G'day folks,
Welcome to some background on another exceptional Australian.
Following his
term as the Chancellor of ANU, Dr Herbert Cole Coombs concluded that a Visiting
Fellowship could provide the necessary home base and stimulating intellectual
environment for the next phase of his life's work. After discussions with
Professor Frank Fenner, the founding Director of the newly established Centre
for Resource and Environmental Studies (CRES), Dr Coombs was formally appointed
a Visiting Fellow there in May, 1976.
Nugget, as he
was universally and affectionately known, became a vital and valued member of
the CRES community, from the time it moved into its quarters in the new Life
Sciences Library (now Hancock) Building in late 1976 until late 1995 when a
stroke prevented his return to Canberra for the summer.
The Institute
of Advanced Studies in ANU, to which CRES belongs, has well established
policies on the appointment of retired persons as Visiting Fellows.
Only in
exceptional circumstances, where the appointee is engaged in academic work of
particular note, may the period of appointment be extended from an initial two
years, to a further two years and then a final fifth year. Then, if the
Research School or Centre is satisfied that there would be continuing academic
benefit of a high order in continuing the appointment for a further year, it
must seek the approval of the Vice Chancellor for the extension. This was the
basis for the continuing extension of Nugget's Visiting Fellowship from 1976
through to 1996.
Let me
emphasise that this was never a sinecure or a reward for his previous
distinguished contributions to Australian society. The long continued sequence
of annual reappointments was always based on his current intellectual, cultural
and social contributions to CRES and ANU.
maintained a high level of productivity right up until his disabling stroke in
late 1995. Even then, plans were in place for his return to CRES after
recovery. Regrettably this was not to be. Hopes were high that he would be well
enough to travel from Sydney to Canberra for a combined 90th birthday celebration
and presentation, by the Vice-Chancellor, of his Distinguished 50th Anniversary
Fellowship Award, on the 12th March, 1996. Unfortunately these hopes were
dashed when his condition failed to improve.

This is not
the place to detail Nugget's academic contributions, but the flow of books,
essays, keynote addresses and key reports to government continued unabated
right up to the last few months of 1995. Perhaps even more important were his
contributions through undocumented, behind-the-scenes advice to key figures in
Australian public life, from Prime Ministers, Cabinet Ministers, captains of
industry, bankers and media-barons through to leaders of his cherished
cultural, indigenous people and conservation associations.
Despite his
well-earned image as a controlled, low-key, sagacious servant of the people,
Nugget was passionate in his concern for natural justice and the welfare of the
individual. This extended beyond the aboriginal causes for which he is best
known. His anger at the social impacts of ill-informed and misguided political
decisions rarely, if ever, descended to personal vilification. He never spoke
ill of individuals whatever the provocation. This high level of emotional
self-control could be, and was, breached on occasion: a great catch in a
cricket test match or the first swirl of a sensuous Margaret River red on the
palate, for instance.

genuinely loved people and mixed with ease among all levels of Australian
society. He travelled light — and often. During his years in CRES his advocacy
of aboriginal rights took him to the remotest parts of northern and inland
Australia. These travels took him often to Darwin where he availed himself of
the accommodation and excellent support facilities at the Northern Australian
Research Unit (NARU) — an outpost of the Research School of Asian and Pacific
Studies at ANU. Towards the end of the 1980s, Nugget began to find the Canberra
winters more difficult to cope with because of a bronchial condition. I urged
him to organise his work year so that he could spend the winter half-year in
Darwin. In 1991 the arrangement was formalised so that his Visiting Fellowship
was held jointly with CRES and NARU in the RSPAS. Nugget travelled north for
the winter and returned south for the summer. This ideal arrangement favoured
Nugget's health and well-being and proved to be highly productive.
The most
enduring memory of Nugget is his humanity. His concern for the underdog and the
disadvantaged never wavered. He remained unassuming and kept a low profile
whatever the occasion. CRES staff and students profited greatly from his wit
and wisdom at morning and afternoon tea in the CREStaurant on the fifth floor
of the Hancock building. He played squash into his early 80s and starred in
CRES cricket matches well beyond that.
He loved good
food and wine and was a very fine cook. On one occasion, while dining with
friends in his flat in Moore Street he had tabled one of his favourite Margaret
River reds. The superb meal which Nugget had prepared and cooked, fine conversation
and the outstanding Gnangara Shiraz led to the inevitable query from Nugget as
to whether he should open another bottle.
The ladies
demurred, but Nugget, with a flourish, uncorked another Gnangara and quoted,
"moderation in all things"- and with a pause and a twinkle in his eye
— "especially moderation".
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