5 July 2012 - MY U3A STUDENTS

Quote of the day:

"There are moments in life when you miss someone so much you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them!"

G'day guys,

Here I sit prepared for another unpaid day in my engine room. But, that's what writing is all about - lots of hard, passionate unpaid time. Yesterday I attended my weekly lecture to our local University of the Third Age (U3A) students. Many are over eighty-years-of-age, but man, are they switched on and motivated. Two of my students are writing stories for young kids, and are doing a top job. Not only can they write, but they also read their stories convincingly, knowing when to sigh or place emphasis on certain points. It's a pleasure to share time with them.

Writing tip for the day:

'Find something you're passionate about and write passionately about it.'

Don't be shy! Leave a comment ...

Clancy Tucker