'Pa Joe's Place' Reviews

17 May 2020 - Stunning Photos Of What’s Hiding Under The Tip Of The Iceberg

Stunning Photos Of What’s Hiding Under 

The Tip Of The Iceberg

G'day folks,

Scientists have long since discovered that 90 percent of all icebergs lie underwater. No wonder there’s a famous saying “just the tip of the iceberg” meaning that something is only a small, usually unrepresentative portion of something much larger that we cannot see yet. 

One photographer decided to prove this saying by diving to undiscovered places where most people don’t have a chance to go and capturing what lies beneath the iceberg. 

39-year-old German photographer Tobias Friedrich started photographing his adventures and making a name for himself as a top underwater photographer in 2007. Traveling from tropical locations to the arctic, he captures the sights of icebergs from below, making the underwater world his home. 

During his trip to Greenland, he had a really good close-up and personal view of icebergs laying there and got the chance to appreciate their incredible size and greatness. His photographs perfectly represent their various shapes, sizes, and textures, proving that each of them is unique and the real beauty of them can only be seen if you look underneath. 

These magnificent underwater photos convey a very strong message about the effects of global warming and how we need to take some urgent actions so these incredible icebergs won’t melt away. As a frequent visitor of Greenland, Friedrich has seen the huge impact that global warming has had on this land and how this country’s ice melts earlier with each passing year.

Now, let's have a good look at these giants.


Clancy's comment: Wow. Good for you, Tobias. Love ya work!

I'm ...



  1. OMG, I LOVE the one with him sitting above while showing his find in the water below. What a stunning shot!

  2. As a diver myself, I'm shivering!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
