'Pa Joe's Place' Reviews

1 June 2020 - Woodworker Uses His Background In Shipbuilding To Create Stunning Wooden Bathtubs

Woodworker Uses His Background
 In Shipbuilding To Create Stunning Wooden Bathtubs

G'day folks,

The NK Woodworking & Design studio, created by craftsperson Nathie Katzoff, is known for its intricate and award-winning staircases—however, other items it creates are gaining popularity among home design enthusiasts. 

The studio is making headlines with its one-of-a-kind bathtubs. The most unique thing about them is the medium they are made from. Apparently, Katzoff has perfected a technique that allows him to make stunning bathtubs out of wood. The methods developed by the studio allow these bathtubs to keep water warmer for much longer than regular porcelain or metal tubs.

 The tubs are made out of sustainable domestic and exotic hardwood and built in Seattle, Washington. “My favorite to use, visually, as a composition, is walnut and a mahogany called sapele,” Katzoff  said, and the process of making them is quite lengthy.

“With every bath being different, it varies on complexity. However, it often takes us three or four months to make a bath. The most extreme custom bath (no public photos available) we made took almost a year to create,” the creator said. The tubs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with some of them looking like giant bowls and others resembling little vessels.

If you’re interested in having one of these in your home, be prepared for a hefty price tag. While the studio didn’t reveal the exact price range, it is known that the price starts at $30,000. As Katzoff described it: “These are art-level pieces priced similarly to nice cars and handmade high-end art furniture.”

Clancy's comment: Simply stunning, but expensive.

I'm ...



  1. Holy WOW! I was NOT expecting those stunning vessels when I clicked on the link! I'd have trouble paying more for a tub than my first house though. 😲

    1. Expensive indeed, Tamian. Beautiful but not for me.

