'Pa Joe's Place' Reviews

30 January 2016 - GREAT QUOTES FROM BONO


G'day folks,

U2 frontman and self-proclaimed celebrity statesman Bono was born Paul David Hewson on May 10, 1960, and recently turned 55. 

Whether or not this event holds cultural significance to you most likely depends upon your own age and your tolerance for overly talkative, occasionally pompous, rock stars. But let's give the leather-clad, sunglasses-loving lead singer of U2 his due. Compared to most rock stars, he's a model world citizen. Instead of a living a life consumed by the excesses of sex, booze and drugs, he keeps busy writing, performing and leading international relief efforts. And he's been married to the same woman for decades.

So, happy birthday Bono. In honor of your 55th, I scoured the Worldwide Web -- to find 50 of your best quotes about music, God, politics, fashion, and, of course, yourself. Not surprisingly, it didn't take me that long finish the task. 

1. Religion can be the enemy of God. It's often what happens when God, like Elvis, has left the building. 

2. I'm not in a position to be seen as a spokesman for a generation. I mean, how can you be a spokesman of a generation if you've nothing to say, other than 'Help!' 

3. To touch is to heal, to hurt is to steal. If you want to kiss the sky, better learn how to kneel. 

4. I want to play the guitar very badly, and I DO play the guitar very badly. 

5. I'm the Imelda Marcos of sunglasses. 

6. Teenage kids have no sense of mortality - yours or theirs. 

7. We actually aren't able to play other people's songs. The one Stones song we tried to play was Jumpin' Jack Flash. It was really bad. So we started writing our own - it was easier. 

8. You put on the leather pants and the pants start telling you what to do. 

9. The right to be irresponsible and stupid is something I hold very dear. And luckily it is something I do well. 

10. I have electrical storms of a different kind now. 

11. Making records is like making hot dogs. You'll probably enjoy them more if you don't see how it's done. 

12. To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater. 

13. Even though I'm a believer, I still find it really hard to be around other believers. They make me nervous, they make me twitch. I sorta watch my back. 

14. Perspective is the cure for depression. 

15. Whenever I see grace, I'm moved. 

16. There's a point where you find yourself tiptoeing as an artist, and then you know that you're in the wrong place. 

17. The Clash was the greatest rock band. They wrote the rule book for U2. 

18. You know, on a long tour you do hear people saying they miss their pets. I never have. But last night I started really missing my dog. It's very odd, 'cause I don't have a dog. 

19. There's no retirement for an artist,its your way of living so theres no end to it. 

20. As a rock star, I have two instincts, I want to have fun, and I want to change the world. I have a chance to do both. 

21. It's stasis that kills you off in the end, not ambition. 

22. Music can change the world because it can change people.

23. Rock 'n' roll is ridiculous. It's absurd. In the past, U2 was trying to duck that. Now we're wrapping our arms around it and giving it a great big kiss. 

24. I`m the Fidel Castro of speechifying. We`ve got a few hours, don`t we? 

25. Look, I`m sick of Bono and I AM Bono. 

26.You have permission to call me anything you want - except sir, all right? Lord of lords, your demigodness, that`ll do. 

27. Great music is written by people who are either running toward or away from God. 

28. Everyone argues, then we do what I say. 

29. Marriage is this grand madness, and I think if people knew that, they would perhaps take it more seriously. The reason why there`s operas and novels and pop tunes written about love is because it`s such an extraordinary thing, not because it`s commonplace... 

30. Never trust a man who tells you it`s from the heart, never trust a man smoking a cigar, never trust a cowboy or a man who wears shades. 

31. At a certain point, I just felt, you know, God is not looking for alms, God is looking for action. 

32. It's not enough to rage against the lie...you've got to replace it with the truth. 

33. U2 is sort of song writing by accident really. We don`t really know what we`re doing and when we do, it doesn`t seem to help. 

34. I think ABBA have a pure joy to their music and that`s what makes them extraordinary. 

35. There`s the country of America, which you have to defend, but there`s also the idea of America. America is more than just a country, it`s an idea. An idea that`s supposed to be contagious. 

36. It costs a fortune to look this trashy. 

37. Brian Wilson believes in angels. I do too and you only have to listen to the string arrangement of `God Only Knows` for fact and proof of angels. 

38. Overcoming my dad telling me that I could never amount to anything is what has made me the megalomaniac that you see today. 

39. Don't get me too excited because I use four letter words when I get excited. 

40. The less you know, the more you believe. 

41. Actually 1978 was a really exciting time for U2. We had just discovered F sharp minor. So we had the fourth chord and we'd only had three up to then. 

42. How long, how long must we sing this song? 

43. Don't believe in the 60's, the Golden age of Pop. You glorify the past, when the future dries up. 

44. I want to run. I want to hide. I want to tear down the walls that hold me inside. I want to reach out and touch the plains, where the streets have no names. 

45. To touch is to heal, to hurt is to steal. 

46. It's not about politics, or religion, or the economy. It's not about borders, history, trade, oil, water, gas, mineral rights, human rights or animal rights. It's not about global warming, global pandemics, globalization, GDP, NATO or Kyoto.

47. Every Artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief. All kill for inspiration and sing about their grief. 

48. It's a beautiful day...Don't let it get away.

49. The heart that hurts is a heart that beats. 

50. I still haven't found what I'm looking for.

Clancy's comment: Both he and Bob Geldof have achieved heaps for the world's poor in the past 30 years. 

I'm ....

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