'Pa Joe's Place' Reviews



G'day guys,

The Australian Human Rights Awards are now open but nominations close on 27th of September - in a few days time. So, get cracking. There are plenty of people who would rightfully deserve such an award. I have nominated two; a television program and a person who does great work for refugees. Here is some basic information on the awards. However, if you're not quite sure what Human Rights are, check my blog for the 23rd of January where I outlined the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:



Nominations are now open for the 2013 Human Rights Awards. They have been extended and close on the 27 September 2013.

We encourage you to nominate people who have contributed to human rights in Australia. The aim is to recognise people who are working to achieve better human rights outcomes in their work or community.

 The best nominees are often the people who wouldn’t dream of putting themselves forward, which is why we need you to do it for them!
Nominees are entered in either general or media categories.

General categories include the Human Rights Medal, Young People’s Human Rights Medal, Law, Business, Community (Individual), Community (Organisation).

Media categories include Literature (non-fiction) Print and Online Media, Radio and Television.


To be eligible for nomination, applicants must be an Australian Citizen or have Australian permanent residency as at the date of nomination.

If you wish to apply for more than one award, an individual application form for each award must be provided.

Entrants must have made a significant contribution to the promotion and protection of human rights IN AUSTRALIA and been active in this area between September 2012 and September 2013. 

Examples could include:

  • taking action to overcome discrimination or infringements of human rights within Australia
  • encouraging greater social harmony within Australia in a range of areas such as race relations, gender equality and the treatment of children and young people
  • enhancing the rights of Indigenous Australians
  • promoting equal opportunity for people with a disability in Australia or countering discrimination on the basis of age or sexuality.
  • increasing awareness of issues of injustice or inequality in Australia.

Submitting your nomination

The entry should include a statement as to why the nominee should be recognised; any relevant supporting material should also be submitted. 

For general categories this could include newspaper articles, online coverage, references and biographies. 

For media categories, please include a current online link to the work or provide three copies of the work. We require three (3) copies of the book for the Literature award.

You can nominate online or download a nomination form:

If you require any help submitting a nomination please call 02 9284 9779.

Judging process

The judging process will be overseen by a judging panel including the President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, Professor Gillian Triggs, and at least one independent representative from either the community, government or business.

The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Details of finalists for each Medal and Award category will be published on the Commission’s website in November 2013.

General Categories

Human Rights Medal

The Human Rights Medal is awarded to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of human rights in Australia. The medal has a rich history of prestigious winners.

Young People’s Human Rights Medal 

The Young People’s Human Rights Medal is awarded to an individual who is under the age of 25 years (on 30 September 2013) and who has made an outstanding contribution to advancing human rights in Australia.

Law Award (sponsored by Law Council of Australia)

 The Law Award is awarded to an individual or an organisation with a track record in promoting and advancing human rights in Australia through the practice of law.

Business Award

The Business Award is awarded to a corporation that has made a practical and/or policy commitment to the promotion and advancement of human rights in the Australian community.

Tony Fitzgerald Memorial Community Award – Individual

The Tony Fitzgerald Memorial Community Award – Individual is awarded to a person with a track record in promoting and advancing human rights in the Australian community on a not-for-profit basis.

Community Award – Organisation

The Community Award – Organisation is awarded to a not-for-profit community-based organisation with a track record in promoting and advancing human rights in the Australian community.

 Media Categories

The nominated entry must expose, investigate or encourage discussion about contemporary and compelling human rights issue in Australia.

Literature Award 

The Literature Award is awarded for a non-fiction work published in Australia.  Examples could include books focussed on social history, social commentary, biography or human rights.

Print and Online Media Award (sponsored by Deadly Vibe Group)

The Print and Online Award is awarded for work published on human rights in Australian magazines, newspapers and websites. 

Radio Award

The Radio Award is awarded for a news or current affairs program or documentary (either a single program, a series or a compilation of highlights) broadcast in Australia.

Television Award

The Television Award is awarded for a TV drama, news or current affairs program or documentary broadcast in Australia.

Clancy's comment: I have had many guests on this blog who are currently involved in a variety of Human Rights issues around the world. So, those of you who know a suitable Australian, make a nomination and encourage people to continue their great work. You have two days! 

Don't forget: bad things only happen because good people allow them to happen.

I'm ...

Think about this!

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