'Pa Joe's Place' Reviews

6 September 2012 - Survival Techniques

Copyright - Clancy Tucker (c)

Quote of the day:

"Reading is a great habit to get into."


G'day guys,

 Some of you have been writing for years, but many of you are just starting out.  Maybe some of the following points will shake you up - or fire you up to continue writing. They are comments made by long term writers. It is my personal view, that many writers think they want to be a writer. I've met them and spoken to them - people who have no idea what is involved, those who are not prepared to do the hard yards. So, think again. Maybe you should read my post of 9th July, the post that outlined famous authors who were rejected.

However, should you decide to continue, you will find it  personally rewarding. Yep, you will learn lots about the publishing industry, but you will probably learn more about yourself. As I've said before, being a writer is like being a marathon runner. Hang in there. You might be  pleasantly surprised. Here are a few points you may wish to consider:

1. Passion is vital.

2. Be willing to learn from others. Swallow your pride.

3. Imagination is also vital. Allow the little kid inside you to come out.

4. Think laterally. Look outside the square. Be nerdy. Don't be lazy and write something that is 'just okay'. Write something that excites you and surprises you.

5. Be extra creative. Extend and challenge yourself. Try to think differently. Be brave when creating a story or developing characters.

6. Be disciplined with your work, but be gentle on yourself.

7. Writing is a lonely journey so get used to your own company. I've often said to my friends that they can cook me a meal, mow my lawns or clean my house, but they can't help me write.

8. Give yourself some regular breaks, don't wait for your head to explode from frustration. What do I do? I make a rash decision, walk out of my study and house and go for a walk or a ride on my bike. Strangely, every time I do that, I do not think about writing. I think of everything else, or dream of places in South East Asia.

9. Apply some structure to your work: grammar, spelling etc. Take pride in your work and strive for excellence.

10. Be patient, but vigilant. Revising work may seem tedious, but it is vital.

11. Create characters that are believable, ones that your readers will love or despise. That's your job as a writer.

12. Don't waffle or pad out paragraphs. Readers are smart. Cut to the chase and keep it simple.

13. Research.

14. Feel what you are writing. Get involved and be right there as it is happening - feel the heat, the cold, the anger, the disappointment and the emotion of your scenes and characters.

15. Listen to ordinary people as they speak. Watch their body language and pick up tips for your characters.

16. Dream and desire.

17. Be confident in your work.

18. Persist and be stubborn, no matter what is chucked at you.

19. Dare to be different.

20. Retain your own voice. It is unique.

Keep writing!

I'm Clancy Tucker.


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