'Pa Joe's Place' Reviews







G'day folks,

When it comes to photography, timing is everything.

You are trying to capture a special moment in time and there are some moments that will never be recreated no matter how long you wait. Some things happen once in a lifetime and can you imagine a world without photography? We would miss out on so much incredible stuff that we may never have the opportunity to see for ourselves.

When it comes to capturing that perfect shot, planning is key. Especially when it comes to professional photography. You have to make sure that everything lines up perfectly to capture that one special moment in time to share with the world. One photographer named Joshua Cripps had a vision for a shot he wanted to capture that required so much to be aligned that nobody thought it would be possible. The climate, the location, the time all had to be perfect so Joshua could capture the “Ring Of Fire” eclipse in Dubai. But that is only one small portion of this incredible equation turned into an incredible work of art.

Joshua cripp’s vision was to capture the “Ring Of Fire” eclipse in Dubai with a special element. A farmer walking his camel. Just weeks after the pictures were released they went viral. He was near Dubai when he heard there was going to be an eclipse the day after Christmas. He got to work setting up his vision. Everything had to be perfect. There was a lot of planning involved.

“The distance and elevation were driven by two separate things,” explained Cripps. “The 6.15 degree angle was dictated simply by the sun and moon position at the time of eclipse. From where I was standing when the eclipse was at maximum totality, it would be 6.15 degrees into the sky—the information I got from the PhotoPills app.”

“For the shooting distance, that was dictated entirely by my vision of the shot,” he continued. “I knew I wanted the eclipse to encircle the man and the camel. A man and a camel standing next to each other are a little less than 3 meters across. So I needed the sun to appear to be about 3 meters wide in the photo.”

  “There’s a calculation for this called the rule of 100: take the size you want the sun to appear and multiply it by 100, and that gives you the shooting distance. So, to get a 3-meter sun, I needed to stand 300 meters (roughly 1,000 feet) away from the camel.”

There was a small window of only 23 minutes where the sun would be in the perfect location and Cripps was set up and ready to shoot. He ended up capturing this viral photo and it all came together perfectly. What is incredible is how the light is reflecting off the camel’s back and the lead that the farmer is holding. Something that is nearly 93 million miles away was the perfect backdrop for a lone farmer and his camel in the desert.

 Joshua Cripps was a engineer who fell in love with photography over 12 years ago. He turned his hobby and love of nature into a career and now chases his visions around the world.


Clancy's comment: Brilliant work. I think the best part about being a photographer is stopping time for just a second and being able to share that moment with the world forever.

I'm ...










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