'Pa Joe's Place' Reviews

20 September 2013 - NEIL OSTROFF - Guest Author


- Guest Author -

G'day guys,

Welcome to the life of a successful author who has been published for more than twenty years - NEIL OSTROFF. Neil is an author of dark, noir thrillers, romance thrillers, and middle grade sci/fi and paranormal novels. 

Welcome, Neil ...

Tell us about you and what you do.

I’m an author of dark, noir thrillers, romance thrillers, and middle grade sci/fi and paranormal novels. I was raised in a rural town outside of Philadelphia and have been a published author for more than twenty years. I have several published novels available at all online booksellers. I am an avid boater, gardener, and poker player when not working on my novels.

What was the happiest moment of your life?

The happiest moment of my life was the day I got married (cliché, I know)

What was the saddest moment?

One of the saddest moments of my life was when I had to put my best friend, my dog, Page to sleep. Those last moments haunted me for days.

What surprised you most?

How many books I’ve sold so far as an independent author.

What was your greatest disappointment?

When my former NY agent couldn’t sell my books and we parted ways after nearly four years.

What or who was your biggest challenge?

Trying to sell my first books to a commercial publisher took a lot of time with no results. It was a challenge to try and make it.

What has been your biggest regret?

It involves a woman. I won’t go into detail.

What would be your dying comment? Why?

I’ll live forever through my books. Why? Because I will.

What would you like written on your tombstone? Why?

He wrote books that changed people’s lives.

Who would you rather have not met? Why?

My first girlfriend, for obvious reasons.

What is your greatest achievement?

So far it has been the publication of my nine books and after nearly twenty years of writing. And selling thousands of copies.

What personal traits would you like to have in your next life?

Stop doing things to please other people at the expense of my own happiness.

What advice would you give to world leaders?

Give peace a chance.

What advice would you give to parents today?

Get your kids away from the electronics and get them outside.

Who would you choose to be stuck on a desert island with?

At the expense of my marriage I can’t answer this question.

Have any heroes? Why? Who?

Stephen King. He’s the best.

What are the greatest legacies you will leave behind?

My books, obviously. They are my children.

What’s lacking in the world today?


Any pearls of wisdom for the rest of us?

If you love what you do you never work a day in your life.

What would be the last sentence you ever write?

The end and goodbye.

What inspired you most?

Reading stories as a kid and wanting to write my own. 

Who or what made you laugh the most?

Chris Rock, funniest guy in the world.

What would be your top three chosen careers in your next life?

Meterologist, beach raker, professional poker player

What is your prime focus in life today?

Making enough money from my books to not have to work a conventional job.

If or when you reflect on your past, can you identify any world events that you believe had a significant impact on you?

9/11. Read my book DROP OUT!

Imagine that you were given a chance to live again, what will you do first and what will you do differently?

Because I am happy, I guess there’s nothing much I would change.

 Do you have a bucket list? Tell us more.

I’ve just about filled it, except for retiring in the Florida Keys and learning karate and guitar.

Any great claims to fame?

I’ve had numerous newspaper and magazines articles written about me, sold thousands of books, and written music lyrics for some successful musicians.

Anything you’d like to add?

To read more about me and my books please check out my blog: 


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Clancy's comment: Thanks for sparing the time whilst on holidays, Neil. Hope you crack it in poker and find your favourite spot in the Florida Keys.

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