'Pa Joe's Place' Reviews

30 July 2012 - Writing Groups

Quote of the day:

"You can cheat some people, try and cheat God,

but you can never cheat yourself."

Writing tip of the day:

G'day guys,

Today I want to introduce writing groups. Although writing is generally a solitary job, at some stage you will need to speak to another writer, whether you like it or not. However, not everyone shares the same passion as you, nor will they have the same aspirations or be at your level. So, what do you do? Maybe there is a local writing group. I joined one many years ago but I soon left. Why, because no one was as serious as me. I'm not being critical at all. A majority of them wrote for personal satisfaction and enjoyment. Others wrote for their family. I wanted, and still do, wanted to write for the world. Why not, eh? So, check out your local area, join a group and make your own mind up.

Online: there are many online groups to join. They might be a chat group, message board, online forum or maybe a social networking site such as Facebook. Do your homework and find a group that suits you. LinkedIn is a great networking site with many discussion groups for writers. What are the advantages of joining such groups?

1. You will meet other writers and be able to swap stories and moan and groan together.

2. Share successes and frustrations.

3. Exchange information ... calls for manuscripts, contests, short stories and poetry, contract advice and heaps more. I've met fabulous writers via the Internet as you will see with the guest author's interviewed in the coming weeks. The oldest is 92, and he still has a fire in his belly. The youngest is 18 and so savvy!

4.  Connecting with like-minded people can save you swags of time on the Internet and introduce you to ideas you never thought of. Keep your mind open.

5. You can learn tips from others, probably people who have already done the hard yards. You might learn how to write a good cover letter or how to give your characters some lustre. Most writers are on the same page. They are willing to support you and pass on their knowledge.

6. Connecting with other writers in person or online can introduce you to friends. However, you will find people who are not as keen or ambitious as you. I have many times, and have found them difficult to deal with. This is a very tough gig so do not be dragged down by someone who wants you to make their lunch, pack it and eat it too. If they are 'wannabe writers', and you are a serious writer, let them loose. Surround yourself with positive people.

7. Ask questions!

 Keep writing!

Don't be shy ... send an email: clancy_tucker@hotmail.com

Thanks for listening.

I'm Clancy Tucker


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